David Icke - A Woman's Part In A Satanic Ritual

https://youtu.be/zPwucFar9kM lost for
words pink Floyd
Dahlink you are
channelled by Pygmy Katy in the 96 hour #livestream #Witness as being rather
vulnerable so here is a lovely piece for you ~ my commitment to the end of your
marriage to me as you say I AM a Troll using the Internet to wake peeps up to
‘KATY PERRY SENSELESS SHOCKER’ in Katy Perry is Ashamed but more like A SHAM
@katyhudson @katyperry
due to your fragile enlightenment but no invite with you there are no more 'I
lover yous' until I have graduated as your Gynaecologist the busiest man in
Hollywood OMG those stirrups and ankle chains but it’s great to know you
permanently choose to take talking therapies and kept the drugs at bay from
#BigPharma but news on the street dealing market is that typically you
‘self-medicate’ with street drugs to mask the real deep down roots of the
problems but when all is said and done Dr Singh has only been taken on you after
I successfully counselled you + miracle physical cures ready to sing 'the show
must go on' and was @PrismaticWorldTour a winner or loser like me #Milano you
owe me a ticket to #Witness, there as soon as you were fixed I believed you
were the tough old boot swaggering around town as your cloned images display
the ‘no fear’ parachuting Katy from Rise video for e.g. as you should of been
swaggering because the little Katy could be her inner child safe in the
knowledge that no harm will become her in Gods presence as she knew because
like Mother like Daughter Persephone could be, I sent her back to Age 7 once so
safe she feels but there are like the Queen of Diamonds many sides to a Queen
and there may be Killer Queen but there is also 'I don't want to believe it'
Queen, vulnerable Queen and the Princess of Darkness @Bipolar Queen, mk ultra
,mind controlled Queen and other sides or circles or prisms and mental
illnesses bought on by 'I believe this is real' of witch I have ID on
Psychopath, Sociopath and a horror for an mk ultra-victim – Narcissist. The MK
Ultra mind control defence witness angles that you and I have worked out
LICENCE BUTTHEAD’ #KP4theRECORD you said be Mr Nasty I am a good actor I in
fact become the character I play within rehearsal time I dive in deep. Sorry
I'll take the lead but if you do not communicate I do not know you. After all I
have been thru I owe you nothing Katheryn and I repelled you in the way you
wanted to act out your part like give me your demonic possession or some
freaked out soul that it is all too weird from my point of view. Persephone
when not possessed by you thinks you’re an idiot and I do not need an opinion
it does not matter what I think but I want this possession off me and OMG it is
going to GO or what life does it have? The same sad existence you evilly
sentence your clones to – a life without love as you need a soul for love and I
dispise it and won’t ever align with it unless I am winding you up because you’re
on your own but you have been having affairs more time than we were ever alone
together you are a serious threat to me and my security how many peeps are
coming out of the woodworked claiming to have f…ed my wife or if they can’t
remember say she was a great blow j.b like yesterday now I am definitely
TAYLORS ALL TAYLORS and to stand in my way is not going to happen without
serious consequences so get the fucking thing out of my way and live your life
like you want I will disappear as soon as Capitol have paid me $500,000,000
this will turn nasty again your clones are illegal and I am writing to crime
stoppers retrospectively over your clones entry in UK without passports for
@GlastoTalk + Radio 1` #BIGweekend (VAG SLIPS!) so its war as usual! Look a
@leopard can’t change @katyperrystits spots if you do not try to change them I
am fuming today just normal surfing no search engine I find out you are a 4
times Adulteress whilst we were married one of the blokes going on record on
Instagram to tell me that you gave a great blow job and with that I’m out of
your life for good so hopefully that pleases you as you could never ever do as
much as you have to make me feel more unwelcome your own Brother @Osiris dissed
in public by a fucking 2nd rate DJ an out of work paedophile actor
with Hepatitis B ~ got it! and a country singer you said before hooking me was
over and a pop tart porno slut. Shame on you I disown you Katy Hudson @ISIS EX #Goddess
my ass all withdrawn by @Zeus King of the GODS HEADLINES ON REDDIT: ‘#GODSWIFE
KATY PERRY SUCKS DJ’s COCK BEHIND GODS BACK’ I wanted to post below some good
news to cheer you up but NO you have fucked it up for me to be nice: - here
this is the shite you left me with to remember you by; http://hollywoodlife.com/2017/06/15/john-mayer-katy-perry-sex-ranking-beat-orlando-bloom/
HEADLINES IN “Katy Hudson Perry
:xD wakes up reborn as
Princess turns to Queen too soon in Frozen Out by mean ol Mr Hudson’s Diaries”
always telling a best seller “I did put #FANfiction on the first post the line
https://youtu.be/zPwucFar9kM lost for
words pink Floyd

Katy Perry Satan and the
Superbowl: https://youtu.be/wHknzzJeK6Y


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